Browser Mirrors

Archive Size: 11728MB (11.45GB) in 140 directories.

Archive last updated: 2024-02-07 23:13:55.9655994080 GMT
Archive last checked: 2024-02-07 23:14:36 UTC

We are always on the lookout for new mirror sites to help us distribute the load of hosting the Archive. If you're interested in hosting an Browser Archive Mirror, you should be aware of the following requirements:

  • You must be able to host a complete mirror of the Archive — we are working on the next generation of interface to the Archive which will allow mirror hosters to store only a part of the archive to reduce the disk space they need to use, but this is not available yet. †
  • You should be able to provide around 10 to 15 gigabytes of free disk space.
  • You should be able to cope with at least 50 to 100 gigabytes of traffic / bandwidth per month
  • You should be able to keep your mirror up-to-date using rsync — we do not support any other method of mirror updates at this time.
  • Your mirror's filesystem should be able to handle symbolic links, which we use within the Archive for organisational purposes. Windows does not support symbolic links, Mac OS X, Linux and most UNIX platforms do.

† Related to this point, we don't recommend complete mirrors be hosted using residential access methods, such as dial-up, cable or DSL, as you would likely find your upstream connection swamped and unusable.

If you're still interested in hosting an Browser Archive Mirror, or have any further questions, please get in touch.

Mirror Status

 Last updated
Master (TX,US) (UK) (HTTP) (FR) (HTTP) (US) (HTTP)
Planetmirror (AU) (HTTP) (US) (HTTP)
Flirble (UK) (HTTP)
Fuseware (TX,US) (HTTP)
Webhack (TX,US) (HTTP)
2D Hosting (TX,US) (HTTP)
Gosume (TX,US) (HTTP)